From time to time, everyone has used anger to solve a problem. It feels good for a moment to curse someone or let them know exactly how you feel about them. In today’s society, we use anger so much that it has become an effortless trigger.
But there’s the paradox about using anger to solve a problem. Even though it’s readily available, it does not solve problems. In fact, it usually makes them worse.
In and of itself, anger does not solve problems. If you look through your life, you’ll be hard pressed to find a situation where anger solved a problem. If you’re honest, you’ll undoubtedly conclude that anger will not solve your problems. It only makes the problem worse.
What does this have to do with relationships? Plenty!
Think about it. Too often, we let our emotions get the best of us. We use anger to solve our domestic disputes. But anger does not work. It doesn’t work for two kids fighting on the playground and it doesn’t work well for two adults either.
We must find a way to resolve issues without anger. But anger is a uniquely personal battle. Every person must find his or her method of dealing with anger. Each of us must find our own way to overcome this dangerous emotion. Some use yoga or meditation. Others take a walk or work out at the gym. No matter what it takes, we all must find our own peace. That’s the best way to avoid the blunt tool of anger when dealing with delicate relationship issues.
From the Book
How To Relate in a Relationship
By Kevin