I recently listened to Nuri Muhammad in an interview where he mentioned that if you're not cautious, you can end up poor with nothing to show for it but money. This statement resonated with me profoundly. It made me realize that if you're not vigilant, you might find yourself poor, with the only thing to display being your money. It might seem illogical, but it's true.
Focusing exclusively on earning money will ultimately leave you impoverished, with nothing but money. Money is merely one type of wealth. What's even more peculiar is that most people aren't trying to accumulate "real money” but instead are chasing after government-issued "currency" (a subject for another time). This type of pursuit is even more detrimental.
Let me offer a list of other assets that deserve your investment of energy.
1. Health
2. Intelligence
3. Wisdom
4. Family
5. A good spouse
6. Real friends
7. Loving relationships
8. Pursuit of your destiny
Since we live in a capitalist society, capital (wealth) is the ultimate goal. Now, do not get me wrong, having money is a good thing, but it is not the best thing. The best accomplishments are not purchased with paper money, coins or digital currency.
You might wonder, what is wealth? Let me explain it like this: An old saying suggests that God constructed the universe based on love. I doubt that when God was creating the cosmos, the love of money was on his mind. Additionally, how can you love money when it has no intention of loving you in return?