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Body Mind and Spirit - The Three Facets of Man and Woman

Writer's picture: Kevin ThomasKevin Thomas

Humans today are grossly underachieving based on our potential. There is more to us than what meets the eye. We unfortunately base the totality of our existence on what can be measured in the physical world. If one becomes aware, there are two more realms of existence that can be accessed to give us power. The mental world and especially the spiritual world are present in all men and women, even though our awareness of these two other worlds is rare.

First, you have the spiritual man, (unbeknownst to most) is the real you. This man is connected with the whole of the universe. The spiritual man has a continuous communication with all that is in the cosmos. This man, if paid close attention to, can not only communicate with the universe, but can connect with the mindset of God himself.

The mental man is the mediator between the spiritual man and the body. Here lies our power of choice. God gave man the power to choose. Though the spiritual man is part of the whole universe, the mental man is allowed to grow, experience and learn. While on this journey man and woman gets to choose to be God like or animal, or anywhere in between, which is where most choices are made.

Even though the spiritual man is more powerful, it submits and takes commands from the mental man. The spirit wants to be in control (which is God Himself), but it allows the mental man to pick the path. This is due to the mental man can only exist as long as the body is alive; the spiritual man is as old as time itself.

Of course everyone is aware of the physical man, which is the body. What many are unaware of is the physical body is not the highest you; the spiritual man is the pinnacle. Even though in America the body is worshiped, it is the spiritual man that should get the most respect. As a matter of fact, the body's duty is to house the power which is the real you.

Everyone knows that the casing of a battery has minor value; it is the energy in the battery that is most important. Once the energy in the battery is gone, you throw the battery away. The same holds true for the body. Once the spirit energy is gone, you bury the body.

Why do I bring this topic up? Most people pay the majority of their attention to the physical world, some attention is given to the mental world, and little to no attention to the world of the spirit energy.

It is important to spend an equal amount of time and energy on all three individuals that makes up the whole of you. Your life and future depends on it!



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