In this world of 24-hour access to media and entertainment, there appears to be a blind spot among the masses. It seems like most are following the actors (the intended outcome), instead of focusing on the directors. It may appear that I am talking about a play or the movies, but I am talking about another stage. That stage is this thing called life.
All the politicians, all the (so called) elite, all the entertainers, and all the parties and organizations representing countries are bit players in this play called capitalism (which will soon to be globalism).
Everyone has a role in this play, including us. Our job is to realize we are in an organized production and uncover who are the directors of this play. After that, find and study the script that we live out on a daily basis. From there, gain control of your own life, and direct your own thought-out future.
“All the World’s a Stage”
By William Shakespeare
"All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;"