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Writer's pictureKevin Thomas

Education is a Must!

I want to briefly talk about the difference between an education and schooling. It sounds like I am saying the same thing twice, but trust me, I am not.

Let me start out by defining the words educated and schooled.

Education comes from the word educe

Educe (v.)

early 15c., in the literal sense, "to draw out, extract; branch out," from Latin educere "to lead out, bring out"

Education is also "related to Educere bring out, lead forth, from ex- out (see ex-) + ducere to lead,

Schooled has a different meaning.

Schooled: To be "taught, trained, disciplined,

To be educated and to be schooled are two totally different meanings, but are used synonymously in America. The devil is in the details.

Simply put, schooled means to be trained.

Educated means to bring out what God put within.

Most people have been schooled their whole lives without one day of education.

The schooling system today is designed for group think, and to follow the majority. It has nothing to do with individuality.

On the other hand, God designs everyone as a unique individual. with an exact reason for why we are born. This is why you need to be educated. Your real purpose in life is to learn about self. To know you are the center of the Universe. To bring out what is deep inside of you; that secret you that will benefit the world. This is what an education provides.

I agree, everyone one needs to know how to read, write, add, subtract, multiply and divide. School is okay at this task. But beyond that fundamental learning, a teacher's job is to bring out the gifts that God placed within a child. Their duty is to help children grow and develop their special God given abilities.

Herein lies the failure of the American school system.


Definition are from Google.

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