I am a firm believer in working for yourself, doing something you love. Spending your life, building an empire based on your dreams, vision and creation of reality.
My question is for wage earners. The question is about people who say they love their jobs.
How can you love something that has no ability to love you back?
Instead of building an empire for yourself, a wager earner spends their lives building an empire for someone or something else. You in return for giving up your life energy (over an extended period of time to some corporation), get some paper (or digital) dollars.
In the end, you will be let go because you are too old. You will have helped the corporation build an empire while you have no empire of your own. You will retire with a nest egg from your job that you had to put up the money first before your the company would match it. On top of this, all your prime years are over never to return.
That's Love?