In America we pride ourselves on being the land of the free. We Americans tell the world we are the freest country on Earth (which is probably a more accurate statement).
Though we claim to be be a free society, as far as my eyes can see there are slaves everywhere. I would venture to say that 85% to 95% of all Americans are slaves in some form or fashion. First, let me give my simple definition of slavery. It is someone controlled or dominated by someone or something else. If you would allow me, I will give a small example of slaves and their masters here in America:
* The slave to drugs
* The slave to consumerism
* The slave to politics and political correctness
* The slave to the past
* The slave to sex
* The slave to cigarettes
* The slave to debt
* The slave to image
* The slave to religion
* The slave to social media
* The slave to media outlets
* The slave to stress and anxiety
Some of the aforementioned areas are bad for you like drugs (both legal and illegal), and others are good by nature such as sex--but abused. The issue is allowing someone or something to dominate you, especially from outside of self.
You must rid yourself of masters, and most importantly the slave mentality. You begin by the process of mastering self. This is the only way. To remove a master, there must be another master on the scene-which is your self control.
To answer the first question of is it better to know that you are a slave, or be a slave and think you are free is simple.
I'd rather know that I am a slave on the slave master's plantation. The reason being is, I always see the fence that I must climb to gain my freedom.