We live in strange times. As I type, officially 33 million Americans are out of work. Unofficially (without spin) 55 million Americans are out of work. This is sad.
When this pandemic is over, many of those out of work will not have a job to go back to. The president says that the economy will come back like magic. He is dreaming..
Wall street has been using cheap money to buy back their own stocks, instead of preparing for a rainy day. Now that it is raining, they have there cap-in-hand to the government (The People) to get bailed out.
Speaking of Wall Street, I do not see how they get to privatize their profits, but in turn get to socialize their debt.
While on this subject, why every time devastating news comes out about jobs loses, the stock market goes up? I say if American's problem has nothing to do with Wall Street, then let them fail.
You may say, what about the job loses. I say there are only 16,055 major corporations and 30 million small businesses. Small businesses employ 53 percent of the people, while Major corporations employ 38 percent.
I say, Let them eat cake.