I have a question. How do you know when you are in a good relationship?
What I mean by relationship, is someone or something that you have allowed into your inner circle. Be it a spouse, a companion, your cell phone or social media.
There is a simple way to determine if a relationship is good for you. Look at the addition to your life and ask the simple question, am I progressing or retrogressing with this person, place or thing.
Though this question is simple, it is difficult to arrive at an accurate answer. Reason being, nobody is going to lie to you, like you have the ability to lie to yourself. Even though this question is of the utmost importance, we will generally get in the way of the answer.
The reason for this strange phenomenon is due to two things. We cannot properly grade relationships because of fear. This is the fear of loneliness and the fear of nonconformity. We constantly add people, places and things to our inner circle because we do not want to be alone, and/or we do not want to be an outlier in our environment.
You will never be able to solve the riddle of relationships until you are willing to stand alone on your own path and solve the riddle, of yourself.