According to the Bible, we were created in the image and likeness of Almighty God. But today, we appear to be in the image and likeness of the false gods of this world.
In reality there is only one Almighty God, but there are other less powerful gods that get all the worship and glory these days. We have intentionally and mistakenly followed that which is not worth following.
I will give you a sample of false gods that we follow and worship. Let us start with the money god. Then there is the sex god. You also have the sport and play god. Let's not forget the powerful tv god. The god that has gained in strength is the food god. I almost forgot about the material and consumption god. There are many more gods that we live for, but these are just to name a few.
The reason we do not reflect Almighty God, is due to we reflect the image of lesser gods.
If you worship television, you look and act like what is on tv. If you worship sex, you will look and act in that style.
If you want to better your life start by removing all of the false gods, be yourself and rely on almighty God alone.
That is why the first of the ten commandments is, "You shall have no other gods before me". It is number one for a reason!