This world is strange. The powerful of this world have achieved their long planned goal in getting all to focus on their version of reality. The reason this is strange is due to reality is a byproduct (if you will) of past thoughts and actions.
Our Creator desires that we focus on our own thoughts, and bring to fruition our own realities. We are not designed to follow the thoughts and machinations of others, which is the present reality we live.
It is high time that we wake from this horrible (American) dream that only truly benefits 10% of America's population. On top of that, this reality only brings real profit and gain to less than 1% of the aforementioned 10% of the population.
Let's cut off this television programming, and once again think for ourselves.
If you did not know, programming the public is the only reason we have TVs today.
By the way, I capitalized "TV" because you have to give respect to our present day masters.
As the old saying goes, "for as he thinks within himself,
so is he". (Proverbs 23:7(TLV)