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Time Is Not On Our Side As Adults

Writer's picture: Kevin ThomasKevin Thomas

Time Is Not On Our Side As Adults

Do you remember when you were a child, and a summer vacation from school seemed like, forever? Remember when you were young, it felt like your next birthday was a lifetime away? It took so long that you were excited to make 8 and a half. Have you ever thought about why when you were a child time stood still, and now that you are older, time seems to fly by? There are a few reasons for this phenomenon, but I want to point out one major factor today. A child measures life by the moments, whereas an adult measures life by days. Not just any day, but special days. Everyday is a good day for a child; there is no better day than today. For an adult, it is much different. We suffer openly and secretly from the "I Can't Wait Syndrome." Let me give but a small sample of this horrible affliction:

I can't wait until I get paid I can't wait until my vacation starts I can't wait until I get my bonus check I can't wait until Friday gets here I can't wait until my birthday  I can't wait until I get out of this relationship I can't wait until I get into a relationship I cant wait until I am rich I cant wait until Christmas, and so on                          

We are so busy waiting on a special day to arrive, that we miss out on the blessing of the special day that is right in front of us. Most adults look forward to between 20 and 75 days out of the year. Well, if it is 365 days in a year, that means we are bypassing about 300 (or more) days a year to get to the days that we are looking forward to. I would not have such a problem with the "I Can't Wait Syndrome", if when the day came you were waiting for, you were actually satisfied. This is the furthest thing from the truth. When the special day arises, you are already waiting on another day to happen.This is madness (to say the least).  Do you want time to slow down as you age? It is simple, pay attention and respect the God given time you are blessed with. Be aware of the time that you are in right now. Make this moment special. I do not know about you, but God never told me how long I have to live. So, I better get busy living because dying is coming one day, sooner or later.



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