I was taught as a young man (by the elders in my community) that power in this world is governed by a formula.
This formula is as follows:
Power = Money + Knowledge Those who have knowledge without money are ineffectual. Those who have money without knowledge are useless.
The point I wanted to bring up is for those who have money and knowledge. This group makes up less than 10% of America's population. Though they have the power (which is the possession of money and knowledge), America is being run into the ground. Why is this the case? This is due to the lack of understanding by the so-called elites. There is a saying mentioned in the Quran and in a different way in the Bible. The saying goes "They plan and God plans, and God is the best of planners". The reason America is being destroyed from within is due to the so-called elite class plans to control and manipulate the masses. This strategy of theirs only benefits the few while alienating the many. The problem they are facing now, is this plan runs counter to the ultimate plan of God. God did not create this heavenly creation of Earth with them in mind.