1. Know what you want out of life and write it down.
2. Keep quiet about your goals until you are well on your way down the path to accomplishment.
3. Write down the image you want to portray in life, then wake everyday trying to live this ideal self.
4. Don’t worry about what people think. Stick to your new goals
5. Don’t stress about events that have not happen yet. Stay present in the moment. Therein lies your power.
6. Always be hopeful. Everything is happening the way it is supposed to happen.
7. Focus on what you want, not worry about what you fear and dread.
8. Always have faith. Your life was designed to be that of Gods.
9. You cannot enrich your life until you enrich the lives of others.
Written by Kevin Thomas, Author of “The Rare Case for Truth – A Book about Life” Living Life Society