Worry is something we all do. If we have an important exam—we worry. If we do not have money to pay our bills—we worry. If we are wealthy, we worry about losing our precious dollars. We worry about what people think about us, regardless of if we know them or not. We even worry about death.
Most of us worry everyday about someone or something, and some of us worry all the time about everything. Regardless of if you worry a little or worry a lot, I am here to tell you worrying is not the solution. As a matter of fact, worrying is useless. The reason I say this is due to worrying about a problem or situation has no ability to solve the problem. In order to worry, you have to use one (or both) of your abilities that makes humans—Humans.
In order to worry, you need to use your memory (to worry in the past) or your imagination (to worry in the future). This is what makes worrying useless. For one, the past can never come back. Secondly, the future has limitless possible outcomes outside of your version of a possible future. Thirdly in order to worry you cannot think in reality, which is the present moment.
I would like for you to think about all the times that you have worried. My question is how many times did worrying solve your problem? I cannot answer for you, but I can definitely answer for myself. In my life, worrying has never solved one problem. Not only that, a vast majority of the time (somewhere around 99%), the outcome of what I was worrying about, never happened or was vastly different than how I imagined it.
Worrying is a useless way to utilize your precious gifts of memory and your imagination. I am not saying do not contemplate your issues and problems that arise in life. That is necessary to learn and grow. The ancient civilization revealed that man and woman were built to face and overcome problems. What I am saying is there is a vast difference between problem solving and worry.
In order to live free, you must learn to remove the shackles of worrying.